Susie Young opens Garden Girl Nutrition in Durango – The Durango Herald

Susie Young, RD, CSO, recently opened Garden Girl Nutrition in Durango.
Young has more than a decade of medical nutrition therapy experience and knowledge. Garden Girl Nutrition is committed to helping individuals foster lifestyle changes that can prevent chronic illnesses and redefine health.
Garden Girl Nutrition helps identify the proper tools that allow clients to take charge of their well being and integrate positive life changes and exercises that help clients achieve their goals.
For those who have been recently diagnosed with diabetes or other chronic diseases, GGN can help design a preventative program to address stress and/or weight loss and help clients find a path to wellness.
Nutrition services include an initial consult, weekly check-ins and exit consult. Clients can modify a customized health program with daily photos, daily exercise logs, grocery store tours and supplement reviews or pantry reviews. Three to six month plans are also available.
For more information, visit, call 946-0620 or email
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