Pinecrest Branch Library to host free women’s nutrition workshop series – Miami’s Community Newspapers


Mark your calendar for the Food After 40-Nutrition for Smart Women free workshop series at the Pinecrest Branch Library, 5835 SW 111 St., on Saturdays, Sept. 14 and 28, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Holistic nutritionist and women’s wellness coach Betsy Cox will lead a two-part workshop series focused on weight and hormone balance, increasing energy and improving metabolic function and vitality for women over 40.

Workshops will highlight foods, specific nutritional focus areas and lifestyle strategies to reduce symptoms and health risks and optimize wellness at this (often challenging) time of life. Attend one or both workshops and gain a deeper understanding of how to nourish yourself and your body at 40 and beyond.

Cox is a board-certified holistic health coach accredited through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Before becoming a health coach, she was a personal chef and business owner designing meal plans to promote energy and correct health and weight imbalances. Cox’s clients ranged from high-profile professional sports figures to individuals with late stage cancer wishing to extend their lives.

Cox is the founder of the annual Miami Springs Health Challenge, now in its sixth year. She leads workshops and talks on women’s wellness in Florida and New York; she is a writer, researcher and is currently working on a book on holistic nutrition and wellness for women over 40.

Workshops are free to the public and will be held at the Pinecrest Branch Library main auditorium. To save your seat, those interested in attending are encouraged to RSVP at

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