Investigating Personalized Nutrition for Sleep Disorders – Sleep Review


Personalized nutrition company Viome and the Mayo Clinic are collaborating to better understand the role of nutrition in disease and to explore the potential of Viome’s artificial intelligence (AI)-driven personalized diets in helping manage sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and obesity.

The study will focus on measures of obesity (including body fat percent), metabolism (HbA1c), and sleep. The teams will leverage Mayo Clinic’s medical expertise and Viome’s proprietary microbiome analysis platform. Together, they will enable a better understanding of how nutrition affects chronic diseases and explore the effectiveness of personalized nutrition as a strategy to help in treatment, and possibly even prevention, of these diseases.

“Everything we do at Viome is in an effort to create a world where illness is optional. This partnership is no exception,” says Naveen Jain, CEO and founder of Viome, in a release. “Through this collaboration with Mayo Clinic, an iconic organization committed to providing the best patient care, we will be able to amplify the critical importance of personalized nutrition and its direct impact on people suffering from obesity and sleep disorders.”

This initiative will help leverage Mayo Clinic’s research resources with Viome’s AI technology and insights into the gut microbiome The study will be led by Virend Somers, MD, PhD, director of the Cardiovascular Facility and the Sleep Facility within Mayo Clinic’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science.

By exploring the role of nutrition in chronic diseases, the collaboration will open up the possibility of developing personalized strategies and interventions to help in their management.

Mayo Clinic and Somers have a financial interest in the technology. Mayo Clinic will use any revenue it receives to support its not-for-profit mission in patient care, education and research.

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