Nutrition Corner: Eggplant from the market – The Sunday Dispatch
Nutrition Corner Mary Ehret – Local farmers markets are in full swing. Buying fresh produce at the market is a great way to introduce new veggies to your family. Research has shown that vegetables may prevent cancer and promote a healthy weight. Vegetables are also high in fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. Now is the time to try an unfamiliar vegetable. What about eggplant? USDA recommends adults to eat between 2 ½ cups (women) and 3 cups (men) of vegetables every day. Children ages 4 to 8 years old need to eat 1 and 1/2 cups of vegetables every day. Looking at one week’s worth of vegetables, we should also be eating a variety of vegetables. A variety means those vegetables who are dark green, orange and red in color, dried beans and peas, “other” and starchy (corn, green peas and potatoes). It is important to note that children age 4-8 should not be eating more than 3 and ½ cups of starchy vegetables in a week. Other vegetables like eggplant, mushrooms...